Minutes Calculator
Last updated on 2020-09-14 14:02:30
All charges include applicable taxes.
Advertised minutes based on single, non-payphone call from Canada to a landline phone in the chosen country
destination using local access.
Rates shown are live rates and are subject to change without notice (except where an expiration date is provided).
Listed destinations are for landlines except where noted.
Your mobile service provider may assess roaming or long distance charges when calling the local access numbers you
use. Please check the details of your plan with your provider.
There may be a surcharge from your mobile service provider for using an 888 access number so IDT recommends that you
use an alternative access number if you are calling from a mobile phone. Please check with your mobile service
provider if you are unsure.
Calls made with an 888 access number are billed an additional CAN1.5c per minute. An additional CAN$1 is added to the
first minute rate for each call from a payphone.
Access NumbersPlease log in to view access numbers.